Blue light penetrates deep into the skin triggering oxidative stress that contributes to short and long term skin aging which include hyperpigmentation, dullness and wrinkling. Stimulate your skin’s natural defense against the elements and modern-day technology with this innovative formulation. This unique blend of Micro Algae, Amino Acids, Vitamins, and Minerals protects the skin against stress caused by blue light while increasing collagen levels. Your skin has never looked so smooth and relaxed with daily use.
Blue light penetrates deep into the skin triggering oxidative stress that contributes to short and long term skin aging which include hyperpigmentation, dullness and wrinkling. Stimulate your skin’s natural defense against the elements and modern-day technology with this innovative formulation. This unique blend of Micro Algae, Amino Acids, Vitamins, and Minerals protects the skin against stress caused by blue light while increasing collagen levels. Your skin has never looked so smooth and relaxed with daily use.

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